My Spot light plant is the ASPARAGUS
FERN.There are several different varieties and all are relatively easy to care for.In my collection I have the Emerald
Fern and the Foxtail Fern.Do not confuse the Asparagus Fern with the more difficult "True Ferns",or the vegtable for that
matter:-) Asparagus ferns have needle like branches and are much more easy to grow then a regular fern.They can adapt
to many differnt variations in heating and lighting.The Asparagus Fern is definitely one of my favorites.
Requirements.... Average warmth, Bright or semi shady conditions-no direct sunlight, Regular watering
during the growing season,An occasional misting is good particularily in heated rooms during winter.
PROBLEMS with ASPARAGUS FERNS... Yellowing foliage,Brown edged,or scorched,Leaf drop: caused
by too much sun or compost was allowed to dry out to long. If there is no scorching then the cause could either be high
temperatures or not enough light.